Fine Art Printmaking BA (Hons)

Open 4-9 June 2011

From 4 to 9 June 2011, exhibits from
more than 500 students will transform
the Faculty of Arts' Grand Parade campus into the biggest gallery in the south-
east of the UK.

With two buildings and three-floors of gallery space to explore, over 15,000 visitors will discover the work of the class of 2011: perhaps taking the opportunity to commission work or compile a collection before students emerge as leading lights in their chosen discipline.

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  • University of Brighton
  • Grand Parade
  • Brighton
  • BN2 0JY
  • Google Map

Zoe Howard


Detail of Usuyuki

  • Lithograph on Gampi paper,
    photo-etching on Gampi paper
    and emulsion
  • 420 x 295 x 80mm
  • February 2011

Artist Statement

Working with obsessive processes I aim to capture light within the perforations created in paper. Although minimal, this work displays intricate detail and fragility, through the repetitive activity of manipulating the surface. Contrasting these pieces with the speed of photocopies I see the work as a record of time.

The idea of empty space having equal or perhaps more value than what is left acts as a point of departure. Questioning whether light can be seen as immaterial or something of substance, I layer manipulated sheets of paper printed in subtle hues so that the light can shimmer and yet be held within the spaces formed.